VUV Photoionization

VUV Photoionization

SummaryVacuum Ultra Violet photodissociation of CO2. Bending and energizing the molecule enough dissociate 2O.



Photons in Vacuum Ultra Violet spectrum are able to deposit high enough energy to bend carbon from CO2 and or allow oxygen to roam among molecule for ease of dissociation. VUV experiment relies on second VUV pulse to further ionize carbon giving more time to allow atoms to separate, UC. Davis.


Evidence for direct molecular oxygen production in CO2 photodissociation (VUV)http://science.sciencemag.org/content/346/6205/61.fullC.Y. NgUC Davis5% yield from dual pulsed Vacuum Ultra Violet light 101.5nm - 107.2 range to ionize to specific oxygen resonate states in CO2. CO2 energized to "roam" to COO and bend before ionization and dissociation to C + O2.

Partial table of known Dissociation Pathways


CO2(1g+) → CO(1+) + O+(1D)131 nm

Albert SoIow and Yuan T. Lee J. Chem. Phys. 98 (3), 1 February 1993

T. G. Slanger and G. Black, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 1889 (1971); 68, 1844 (1978).

CO2(1g+) → CO(1+) + O+(3P)147 nm

T. G. Slanger and G. Black, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 1889 (1971); 68, 1844 (1978).

O(1D) + CO2(1g+) → CO2(1g+) + O(3P)

J. C. Tully, J. Chem. Phys. 61, 61 (1974); 62, 1893 (1975).

CO2+ → CO(1+) + O+(4S)

J.H.D. Eland, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 9 (1972) 397.

CO2+ → CO+(2+) + O+(3P)

J.H.D. Eland, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 9 (1972) 397.

CO2 X 2g13.778 eV

L.S. Wang, J.E. Reutt, Y.T. Lee and D.A. Shirley, J. Electron Spectry. 47 (1988) 16


CO2 A 2u17.314 eV

CO2 B 2u+18.077 eV

CO2 C 2g+19.394 ev

CO2+ X 2gve (cm-1)= 1264(1), null,1470(1) spin-orbit (cm-1)= 158(4)

CO2+ A 2uve (cm-1)= 1126(3), 459(8), null, spin-orbit (cm-1)= 96(8)

CO2+ B 2u+ve (cm-1)= 1275(1), 557(4), 1840(5), spin-orbit (cm-1)= null

CO2+ C 2g+   (vibrational energies corrected for fermi resonance)ve (cm-1)= 1353(4), 614(4), 1567(4), spin-orbit (cm-1)= null


Next Steps

Although laser pathways to dissociation are technically possible, the laser is a constraint as it's only a single point source for dissociation. The photoionization does yield exact energies to vibrate the molecules to specific energies such that dissociation consumes less energy.




ResultsVacuum Ultra Violet light (101.5, 107.2 nm) and other wavelengths involved in related studies should be considered for further research investigation in other dissociation experiments. VUV wavelengths and other data will be further investigated under Chemical Dissociation Meta Analysis studies project.


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